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A Homegrown Love Story One of my favorite things is being a home birth photographer and I am so happy to bring the birth story of Harbor Quinn over to the blog! So, in the past when I have shared birth stories, I’ve written them from my perspective but recently (since playing catchup up on […]

Birth Story

East Tennessee Home Birth Photographer | The Home Birth of Harbor Quinn


Gunner’s “guess date” was February 2nd, yes Groundhog Day! This guy decided to come a bit past his due date but only barely! He had a fast and furious entry into our arms and he hasn’t stopped since!


Gunner’s Birth Day


the birth story of sweet Emery Drew! It was a rainy May morning when I got the call that it would be the day! …

Family Stories

Emery Drew | Birth Story


I love all births but this one is extra special. You see, Caitlin and Tyler are my first bride and groom to book me for their birth story. I can’t really put into words how much it means to me that a couple would continue to trust me again and again with some of the most special memories in their life.

Family Stories

Beau Steven | Birth Story


I’m back again! And it’s with another beautiful birth story!! 

This one is so special to me because Em is one of my closest friends and our friendship actually grew because of our passion for healthy living, organic foods, home/natural birth, and of course, Jesus!

Family Stories

Selah Vaile | The Birth Story


On Saturday morning, December 12, I woke up at 5:25 a.m. to my phone buzzing. Normally, I sleep like a rock, but the day before, I got a very exciting text saying that Cala was having contractions; so when the phone buzzed I was already expecting “the call.” I answered quietly so I wouldn’t wake up Mike and Ellie. I was greeted with a very perky, “Hey Emily! How ya doing? You ready to take some pictures?!”

Family Stories

McKinlee Jane | The Birth Story


Two weeks ago I woke up excited, knowing that it was the day that Joanna and Josh were going to welcome their little boy into the world. I already had a text on my phone saying that things were moving along at a good pace so I hopped out of bed (carefully, so I wouldn’t […]

Family Stories

John Abrom | The Birth Story