Each month this may vary in regard to how it is dispersed. For example, one month I may send half of it to a full-time missionary couple while the other half is used to suppose the building of a school in Haiti. This is something Mike and I pray about and use Godly discernment to be a wise steward of our finances. 

10% of my profit supports missions

Who am i currently supporting?


Missionaries to Lima, Peru

I met Keith way back in 2008 at Teen Mania Ministries in East Texas. I was an intern there and Keith was one of the supervisors in my department. I had gone to Peru the summer before moving to Texas and fell in love. Keith had been to Peru a few times and so we would talk about it a lot and became friends through that!

2011 - I lived in Peru for four months for college.

Fast forward to 2013. Mike and I had just gotten married and Keith had moved to Peru for what was supposed to be a few months of seeking God for the next steps in his life. He decided to launch Christmas for Kids….an outreach to love on kids in impoverished communities. Mike and I didn’t have a lot of money then #collegestudents but supported his outreach that Christmas (and I was not so secretly aching to go back to Peru). 

Fast forward to the end of 2016. God kept Keith in Peru for full-time missions! Keith met this sweet girl named Mila and proposed to her! I immediately knew I wanted to go and photograph their wedding as a way to support their ministry. So in February 2017 Ellie and I flew to Peru, caught up with wonderful friends, celebrated their marriage, and captured the most beautiful wedding weekend!

As soon as I got home I told Mike we had to pray about taking our youth group to Peru that summer. We did and long story short, God opened the door for us to begin taking 2 trips a year to Peru to serve alongside Keith + Mila and to love the people of Peru! We love them and their passion to see Jesus reach every heart in Peru!

Every session and wedding booked helps further the Gospel in Peru through Keith and Mila’s ministry! 

click to see photos from our trips to Peru!